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Act now!

Published on February 08, 2024

1 minute

Discover the first five episodes of our series of educational videos designed to help you understand the basics of the stock market and better manage your Air Liquide share portfolio.

Buy and sell my shares

Buy and sell my shares

Two main ways to place orders on the stock market: market orders and limit orders.

3 ways of holding my shares

3 ways of holding my shares

Direct registered shares, bearer shares, Intermediary registered shares… which one should I choose?

Loyalty bonus

Loyalty bonus

My loyalty is rewarded.

Free shares allocation

Free shares allocation

What does this operation involve and how can you benefit from it?

Shareholder Portal

Shareholder Portal

Manage your share portfolio directly, easily and securely.

Stay tuned, the second season of our “Act now!” videos is coming soon and will cover topics such as the Annual General Meeting, dividends, capital gains or losses, and passing on shares.

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