Air Liquide in Saudi Arabia
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the Middle East. Growth is driven by the expansion of the refining and petrochemical industries and by the development of large infrastructure and construction projects.
Created in 2008, Air Liquide in Saudi Arabia has a team of over 400 employees working to supply industrial customers in a wide variety of markets (oil & gas, metal fabrication, electronics, food and beverage) and also the healthcare sector. Across this wide country’s key industrial basins, from coast to coast (from Jeddah to Dammam), Air Liquide offers innovative solutions — gas, equipment and services.
Our business activities are managed through two subsidiaries:
Air Liquide Arabia (ALAR) provides large volumes of industrial gases (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide) for refining, petrochemical and metal industries. Air Liquide Arabia is the leader in the Over-the-Fence supply of industrial gases to major industries in Saudi Arabia.
VitalAire Arabia provides home-healthcare services and equipment for sleep apnea, oxygen therapy, ventilation, and aerosol therapy for chronic patients at home or in hospitals. VitalAire Arabia aims to be the preferred home-healthcare and medical equipment provider in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
VitalAire Arabia
Engineering & Construction