Air Liquide Finance
A dedicated entity for financing activities
Air Liquide Finance is a wholly owned entity of L’Air Liquide S.A., incorporated in 1999 under the laws of France, as a dedicated subsidiary for financial activities.
Air Liquide Finance’s purpose
Air Liquide Finance was created with the intention to segregate the financing activities of the Group from its operational activities. Since 2001, Air Liquide Finance has taken on the financing, treasury management and management of the interest rate, foreign exchange and commodities risks activities for the Group. Regarding financing, its role is to raise funds in the capital markets (bonds and commercial papers) or in the bank market, and to lend the proceeds to Group subsidiaries.
Air Liquide Finance can notably issue notes under Commercial Paper Programmes or under a Euro Medium Term Note Programme (EMTN), all guaranteed by L’Air Liquide S.A.
Air Liquide Finance - Articles of Association
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Air Liquide Finance - Statutory accounts 2023 and auditors report
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