Air Liquide Shareholder's calendar: highlights of 2024
Published on February 15, 2024

Because we want to keep our individual Shareholders better informed, we’ve put together a calendar of the year’s highlights. At a glance, discover the key dates to remember, the major Air Liquide events!
End of JanuaryThe account status document as of December 31, 2023, becomes available for direct registered Shareholders.
February 20: Annual ResultsDiscover Air Liquide’s 2023 performance and the Group’s projects.More information
February 292024 Shareholder's Practical Factsheets
The ABCs of the stock market.
March: 2024 Shareholder's Practical Guide
March 28 : Sustainability Report
April 3: Voting opens for the Annual General MeetingPlay your part in the inner workings of the Group by voting on Resolutions.
Early AprilFor direct registered Shareholders, the IFU (Imprimé Fiscal Unique) will be made available on your Shareholder Portal. This document allows you to complete your tax return.
April 24: First Quarter 2024 Revenue
April 30: Annual General MeetingThe must-attend event for Shareholders.Learn more
May 22: Dividend paymentA dividend of €3,20 per share is proposed for the fiscal year 2023.
* subject to the necessary approvals at the Combined General Meeting of April 30, 2024
June 3Shareholders’ Meeting in Biarritz with Edenred.
June 17Shareholders’ Meeting in Lyon with Vinci.
June 24 to 25“BoursoLive - Les Rencontres 2024” digital show
October 9Webinar "Passing on shares in practice" (in French only)More information
October 16Shareholders’ Meeting in Aix-en-Provence with L’Oréal.More information
Passing on sharesThe end of the year is an ideal time to pass on shares to your loved ones. To ensure that your gift is taken into account before the end of the year holidays, remember to send your request as early as October.
⚠️ December 31 by 2 pm (Paris time): closing of purchase orders for 2024To benefit from the loyalty bonus from 2027 on your shares acquired in 2024, remember to ask your financial institution to convert your bearer shares to administered registered shares several weeks before this date!