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Executive Committee

The Executive Committee coordinates the management of the Group’s various programs and activities, with a particular focus on reviewing operational management in terms of objectives, progress and action plans, change management, HR strategy and business development.

François Jackow

See Linkedin link of François Jackow

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Born in 1969 - French

François Jackow joined Air Liquide in 1993. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Group on June 1, 2022. He chairs the Executive Committee, which he joined in 2014. He is a member of the Air Liquide Group’s Board of Directors.

François Jackow worked initially in the United States and the Netherlands in various positions in business development and marketing in Large Industries and in Engineering & Construction.

On his return to France, he spent two years focusing on strategy for the Group’s General Management. 

In 2002, he was appointed Vice President of Innovation, overseeing Research & Development and Advanced Technologies for the Group. 

In 2007, he became President and Chief Executive Officer of Air Liquide Japan, based in Tokyo, before becoming Vice President of the Large Industries World Business Line in 2011. 

François Jackow joined the Executive Committee in 2014 as Group Vice President of Strategy. In this role, he oversaw the development of the NEOS strategic plan and was involved in the acquisition of Airgas in 2016.

In 2019, he was appointed Executive Vice President, overseeing Europe Industries, Europe Healthcare and Africa / Middle East / India operations. Over time, the Innovation & Technologies and Digital & IT departments have also been added to his remit, along with the Customer Development department, which he created in 2014.

Given that he also oversaw the Healthcare World Business Line, he was actively involved in the Group’s major response to Covid-19. 

François Jackow was appointed the Group’s Chief Executive Officer on June 1, 2022.

François Jackow holds degrees in science and management, having studied both in France and the United States. An alumni of the École Normale Supérieure Paris, he also holds a Master’s degree in chemistry from Harvard University in the United States and an MBA from the Collège des Ingénieurs.


François Abrial

Group General Secretary

Born in 1962 - French

After 10 years working at Danone, François Abrial joined Air Liquide in 1996 as General Manager for the Carboxyque subsidiary in France. 

He then took on the role of Group’s Deputy Director of Human Resources.

From 2004 to 2007, he oversaw Air Liquide’s Medical Gases and Medical Equipment business lines, before moving on to oversee the Africa and Middle-East zone.

In 2010, he became Group Vice President of Human Resources and subsequently joined the Group’s Executive Committee. In 2017, he was appointed Senior Vice President in charge of the Asia-Pacific Hub. 

Today, he serves as General Secretary for the Group, overseeing General Control & Compliance, Legal, Public & International Affairs and Digital & IT.

François Abrial holds a business degree from the École Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse and an Executive MBA from the École de Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC).

Ronnie Chalmers

Oversees Air Liquide operations in Asia-Pacific

Born in 1968 - British

After working in the gas industry in both financial and commercial roles, Ronald “Ronnie” Chalmers joined the Group in 2006 as Chief Financial Officer of Air Liquide Japan, based in Tokyo.

In 2010, he was appointed Director of the Large Industries’ European Platform and subsequently took on the role of Managing Director of Air Liquide Benelux Industries in 2011.

From 2016 to 2018, he oversaw the Large Industries activity for the Europe Hub, before serving as Vice President of the Africa / Middle East / India Hub, based in Dubai.

He joined the Group’s Executive Committee in 2022 and he has overseen operations in Asia-Pacific since 2023.

Ronnie Chalmers holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh).

Marcelo Fioranelli

Chief Executive Officer of Airgas

Born in 1968 - Brazilian

Marcelo Fioranelli joined Air Liquide in 2001 as a regional director in Brazil.

In 2008, he became CEO of Air Liquide Brazil, and moved on to take similar responsibilities at Air Liquide China in 2013.

In 2019, he was appointed Senior Vice President of Air Liquide’s Americas Hub, based in Houston, Texas. 

In 2021, he joined the Group’s Executive Committee as the CEO of Airgas, the subsidiary that operates Air Liquide Group’s Industrial Merchant and Healthcare activities in the United States and is headquartered in Radnor, Pennsylvania.

Marcelo Fioranelli holds a bachelor’s degree in metallurgical engineering and an MBA in Marketing from The University Center of Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial and the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, both based in São Paulo, Brazil. Marcello also completed Management Executive Programs at international schools.

Matthieu Giard

Oversees Air Liquide operations in the Americas

Born in 1974 - French

After initially working as a consultant, Matthieu Giard joined Air Liquide Benelux in 2004, working within the Industrial Merchant business line.

In 2007, he became Industrial Director for the Medical Gases business line in the United States, before being appointed Vice President of Operations at VitalAire Canada, Air Liquide’s healthcare-focused subsidiary, in 2009. He became the President and Chief Executive Officer of VitalAire Canada in 2011.

Between 2014 and 2018, he oversaw the Africa / Middle East / India Hub. He was then appointed Vice President of the Industrial Merchant World Business Line as well as of the Procurement and the Efficiency Programs at Group level, and joined the Group's Executive Committee in 2019. He also supervised the Hydrogen activities from 2021 to 2023.

Since 2023, he has overseen the Group's operations in the Americas.

Matthieu Giard holds an engineering degree from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon and a management degree from Harvard Business School.


Amelia Irion

Group Human Resources Vice President

Born in 1970 - American and French

Amelia Irion has more than 25 years of international experience in Human Resources.

She began her career working for the global energy services and equipment group Schlumberger in the United States in 1998. She subsequently embarked upon an international path with the group spanning various Human Resources leadership roles in research, technology, manufacturing, and field operations across Europe and the USA. 

From 2009 to 2019, she was Human Resources Director of Schlumberger’s R&D operations, before holding the same position in several operational branches. In 2019, she was appointed head of Global Human Resources Services for the group. From 2020 to 2023, she was Human Resources Vice President for the Colas Group, where she has served as a member of the Executive Committee and of the Strategic Committee. 

In 2023, she joined Air Liquide as Group Human Resources Vice President and a member of the Executive Committee.

Amelia Irion holds degrees in social science and human resources from Scripps College, Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Ulm and New York University.

Armelle Levieux

Group Vice President Innovation and Technology, overseeing the Hydrogen Energy and Electronics World Business Lines as well as the Global Markets & Technologies division and the Engineering & Construction business

Born in 1973 - French

Armelle Levieux joined Air Liquide in 1996 and held several roles in Business Development, Strategy and European Operations.

In 2013, she became Chief Executive Officer of Seppic, the specialty ingredients subsidiary for the Group’s Healthcare business line.

In 2017, she was appointed Vice President of Air Liquide’s Human Resources and joined the Group’s Executive Committee. She supervised the Group’s Human Resources until 2023.

Today, she is Vice President of Innovation and Technology, overseeing the Hydrogen Energy and Electronics World Business Lines as well as the Global Markets & Technologies division and the Engineering & Construction business.

Armelle Levieux holds an engineering degree from CentraleSupélec and from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Emilie Mouren-Renouard

Emilie Mouren-Renouard

Oversees Air Liquide operations in Europe, Africa, Middle-East and India


Born in 1979 - French

Émilie Mouren-Renouard joined Air Liquide in 2004 as a Business Developer. She then held several roles in different countries, including Research & Development in France and Business Development for Large Industries in the United States. 

In 2016, she was appointed Vice President of the Packaged Gases and Welding Products business lines at Air Liquide Canada.

In 2018, she was appointed Group Vice President of Digital & IT.

She joined the Group’s Executive Committee in 2019, overseeing Innovation, Intellectual Property, Digital & IT and the Global Markets & Technologies division.

Today, she oversees the Group’s operations in Europe, Africa, Middle-East and India.

Émilie Mouren-Renouard holds a mechanical engineering degree from the École Polytechnique and a degree in environmental sciences from the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.

Jérôme Pelletan

See Linkedin link of Jérôme Pelletan

Chief Financial Officer

Born in 1970 - French

Jérôme Pelletan held financial management roles at Deloitte, Accor and Hermès before joining Air Liquide in 2006 as Group Director of IFRS & Special Projects.

In 2008, he became Chief Financial Officer of Air Liquide Far Eastern, based in Taiwan, before being appointed Chief Financial Officer and Operations Controller for Latin America in 2012, based in Brazil.

He moved to Houston, Texas in 2014 and became Chief Financial Officer for the Americas Hub. In 2016, he oversaw the financial integration of Airgas after Air Liquide acquired the company.

In 2021, he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of the Group and joined the Executive Committee. He has overseen the Shareholder Services department since 2023.

Jérôme Pelletan holds a master’s degree in business and finance from the École Supérieure de Commerce et de Management (ESCEM, now known as Excelia).

Adam Peters

Chief Executive Officer, Air Liquide North America

Born in 1973 - American

Adam Peters began his career with Air Liquide Group in 1996, spending 10 years in the U.S. Electronics business holding positions in Engineering and Sales Management. 

In 2006, he joined Air Liquide Large Industries U.S. and was appointed Director of the Onsites business. He was then promoted to Vice President, Large Projects for the same affiliate where he managed the execution of a portfolio of major capital investments. 

In 2010, he was appointed Vice President, Operations Control, Americas, overseeing notably the strategic planning functions for Air Liquide’s businesses in North, Central and South America.  

Peters relocated to Montréal in 2012 where he served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Air Liquide Canada. He served in this capacity prior to rejoining the Electronics team in January 2018, when he became Vice President of Air Liquide’s Electronics activity worldwide.

In 2022, he was appointed CEO of Air Liquide North America. 

Adam Peters joined the Group Executive Committee on May 1, 2024.

Peters holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University and a Master of Business Administration from Southern Methodist University in the United States.

Diana Schillag

Oversees the Global Business Unit “Home Healthcare”, the Healthcare World Business Line, as well as the Group Sustainability and Procurement

Born in 1971 - German

Diana Schillag joined Air Liquide in Germany in 1995, initially working in Sales and Marketing. She moved to France in 2000 and held several senior positions, working in the E-Business, Human Resources and Sales Force Effectiveness departments.

In 2007, she was appointed CEO of Home Healthcare in Germany.

In 2012, she became Group Vice President of the Healthcare World Business Line and was appointed CEO of Europe Healthcare in 2016.

She joined the Group’s Executive Committee in 2019, overseeing the Healthcare business line. In 2022, she was also given responsibility for Group Procurement and the Group’s Efficiency Programs. In 2023, she was tasked with overseeing Sustainable Development and the Group’s Societal Programs, including the Air Liquide Foundation, in addition to her other roles. Since September 2024, the Global Business Unit “Home Healthcare” has also been reporting to her.

Diana Schillag graduated from the KEDGE Business School. 

François Venet

See Linkedin link of François Venet

Senior Vice President

Oversees the Large Industries World Business Line and Group Strategy

Born in 1962 - French

François Venet joined Air Liquide in 1988 as a development engineer and then became a product manager. He moved to the United States in 1992 where he held various management positions at Air Liquide USA, including Senior Vice President for the Industrial Merchant business line. In 2002, Francois Venet was in charge of Acquisitions, Strategy and Operations Control, before becoming Vice President for European Integration & Development in 2005, a role in which he was responsible for Central European industrial operations.

In 2007, he became Chief Executive Officer of Lurgi Group, an engineering company in Frankfurt that was acquired by Air Liquide. From 2011 to 2013, he was responsible for the Engineering & Construction activity before being appointed Executive Vice President for the Asia-Pacific zone.

He joined the Group’s Executive Committee in 2014 and was appointed Executive Vice President of the Shanghai Hub in 2015, leading operations in Asia-Pacific. In 2017, he became Senior Vice President, overseeing the Large Industries World Business Line and Strategy.

François Venet holds an engineering degree from the École Polytechnique and the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and a business administration degree from the Collège des Ingénieurs.

Pascal Vinet

See Linkedin link of Pascal Vinet

Executive Vice President

Oversees the Group Industrial Direction, the Industrial Merchant World Business Line and Group Safety & Industrial Systems

Born in 1962 - French

Pascal Vinet joined Air Liquide in 1986 after having worked for NASA in the United States.

In 1995, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Air Liquide Australia, before becoming Chief Operating Officer of the Group’s Industrial Merchant Business Line in France in 1998.

In 1999, he became Vice President for Research & Development before being appointed President of the Group’s Industrial Merchant Business Line in the United States in 2002.

In 2005, he was appointed Vice President in charge of the Group’s corporate operations (operations control, strategic planning, procurement, IT).

In 2010, he became Vice President, overseeing global operations for Air Liquide Healthcare, and joined the Executive Committee in 2011 in this capacity.

In 2016, he became Chief Executive Officer of Airgas, the subsidiary operating Air Liquide’s Industrial Merchant and Healthcare Business Lines in the United States, just after its acquisition by the Group.

In 2021, he was appointed Senior Vice President, overseeing the Europe Industries Hub, the Africa / Middle-East / India Hub and Group Safety & Industrial Systems.

In 2023, he became Executive Vice President.

Today, he oversees the Group Industrial Direction in addition to the Group Safety & Industrial Systems and the Industrial Merchant World Business Line.

Pascal Vinet’s educational background is in engineering and holds a doctorate in physics from the École Centrale de Lyon.